The Process of Her Life During Our Gameplay

The Sorceress

Throughout the first half of final fantasy 8, the sorceress Edea is our main villain. She has teamed up with the political powers of the world to reach her ultimate goal, which seems to border on global domination. But, throughout the story, the truth about her and her motives unfold.

The first we see of Edea in action is at Timber after the attempted kidnapping of Dollet’s President on his train to the city. His mission was a simple one: make an announcement of peace to the world via TV [ of which had not been used for 17 years ]. The catch was, however, that the Sorceress would be their leader in the quest for world peace, being an ambassador of their future hopes.

After the speech was crashed by a manic Seifer, she appears and takes away the distraught ‘boy’ and makes him her Knight. She gets Seifer’s attention in an interesting way: she refers to him as still a boy and offers to help him fulfill his dreams.

From there the story of the sorceress unfolds. SeeD [ led by Squall ] gets word of the Sorceress’ new role in their world, and Galabadia decides to join forces with Balamb to return the world to its original ‘order’… or so it seems. Word of Seifer’s punishment and a well lead plan for the sorceress’ assassination distracts the characters from what is really in the works.

With the attempt to take her out foiled and the amazement of Seifer becoming her soldier of sorts, the team is swiftly defeated and captured, and their leader is tortured for information of the purpose of SeeD. Edea’s motives at this point become hazed, as even SeeD do not know the original purpose of this group aside from their mercenary purposes dispatched throughout the world.

After the escape from the desert prison where they were held, the group learns that Edea has ordered missiles to strike both Balamb and Trabia Garden. Selphie, being a native of the latter, pleads with the group to protect Trabia as well, and the group splits up led by Selph and Squall. Selphie executes a failed attempt at helping Trabia while Squall and the others return to a Garden in chaos.

Many of the truths about Garden and Edea become apparent to us at the point in the story. NORG, the Shumi who provided Cid with the funding to start Garden, is upset and wants to take Garden back. He reveals to the group that they were just pawns in the hands of the Sorceress, as well as her old ‘identity’, Edea Kramer, wife to Cid and co-founder of the Garden.

After swiftly defeating NORG and saving Balamb from destruction, the team regroups. The Galabadian Army and Garden, now under control of the Sorceress, begin becoming more hostile towards Balamb to the point of confrontation. The army infiltrates Balamb Garden and the team journeys through the Garden to come to their final battle with the Sorceress… or so they think. Edea and Seifer are once again defeated, and Edea finds a new host for her powers so that she may rest in peace... although it is not yet her time.

She passes her powers on to Rinoa, as well as what made her the terrible sorceress; the possession of Ultimecia. Her reign is over but she lives on to continue her life as Matron Edea Kramer, helping the group with finding Esthar and even giving advice on how to continue their battle.

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| Matron ©2006 Lauren C | Kurai.nu |
Final Fantasy 8 is ©1999-2006 Squaresoft & Square-Enix.