Edea Kramer
Here you will find a wide range of basic and indepth information about the Edea; both factual and observation based.

Edea Kramer Character Profile. Here you will find the most basic of information about her.
Persona The personality of a sorceress based on the few incidents in which she is truely herself.
History A comprehensive telling of the happenings in Edea's life, relative to the story FFVIII.
Beginings Looking into what happened to out beloved Matron prior to the begining of Final Fantasy 8.
Purpose Her role in the story and its importance to the game.
Namesake What's in a name? A title? An occupation?
Cid Kramer All about her husband and only love.
Romantic Dream Seifer Almasy, her Knight.
Ultimecia the posessed and the posessor.

Below you shall find a number of essays discussion about the world of Final Fantasy VIII

Sorceress's Knight All about the portector and maybe even lover of the Sorceress
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| Matron ©2006 Lauren C | Kurai.nu |
Final Fantasy 8 is ©1999-2006 Squaresoft & Square-Enix.