Disclaimers and Usage Guidelines

Matron and all of its content is owned by Lauren C. All of the images, unless otherwise state in the credits, are also owned by me. Do not lift, reproduce, copy, regurgitate any of the information on this site without contacting me first. That means if you are creating an Edea site and you agree with my views on her opinions and reproduce what is stated on my site in other words, that is plagarism and violates this usage policy. But, if you contact me, tell me about yoursite, and site my information and page on yours, then it is ok. The reason behind this is it took me more time than you can imagine looking up the information, formulating my own thoughts, playing the game so that i could find out all of this stuff, and creating this website. It is not fun to see all of your hardwork lifted and used by someone as their own. Imagine if you spent weeks writing an essay, only to have one of your classmates take it, reword it slightly, and turn it in as their own and get the same grade that you did.

Images are a bit different. If you would like to use my images on your website for layouts, please feel free to do so. If you credit me or shoot me an email so that i could see your work, that would be great! As far as using them in your own site goes, you may use a few. The official artwork is free range, but the screen captures i made on my own. If you would like to use them, please ask first. There are plenty of programs out there that can asist you in creating your own FMV screencaptures these days.

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| Matron ©2006 Lauren C | |
Final Fantasy 8 is ©1999-2006 Squaresoft & Square-Enix.